Unfazed by Bad Influence

Unfazed Series
Unfazed by Bad Influence – Part3
March 25, 2018
Ps 1
Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers. 2 But his delight is in the law of the LORD, and on his law, he meditates day and night. 3 He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prosper. 4 Not so the wicked! They are like chaff that the wind blows away. 5 Therefore the wicked will not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the assembly of the righteous. 6 For the LORD watches over the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked will perish. NIV

Influence is a powerful force. Influence is an invisible print on us! One of my mentors, Doctor Richard Dobbins, who greatly influenced my life has said, “Throughout our lives, in both subtle and profound ways, we leave "invisible imprints" that influence the people around us for better or for worse. And, they leave their imprints on us. Some people call these "vibes" or "impressions." These unique imprints, planted firmly in our minds, and fixed in our memories, make a lasting contribution to our identity. They can be hurtful or helpful. They can lead us to success or failure.”

True be told, good influence can be like spinach was to Popeye the Sailor and bad influence like kryptonite to Superman. That is the reason the Bible gives us guidance like it does in our text Psalm 1
God’s word teaches us that we can be unfazed and live with confidence in a troubled world when we …

I.    Retreat from Bad Influence (Psa. 1:1) Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers.

Notice that there are three metaphors of posture mention in the verse. The first is “walking in the counsel of the wicked”. This means:

a.    Bad Thinking – (counsel) Thoughts and thinking are powerful forces that influence us. Our minds are like supercomputers but like a pc, if you put garbage in you’ll get garbage out.  If it’s true we are what we eat, then it follows we become what we think.

The second metaphor is, “standing in the way of sinners”, which is:
b.    Bad Behaving – (the way we live) It might be said following the way or lifestyle of sinners.  The bible clearly means the works of the fallen nature

            Gal 5:19-21
The acts of the sinful nature are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity, and debauchery; 20 idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions 21 and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God. NIV
The third metaphor is, “sit in the seat of mockers”, which is:
c.    Bad Relationships (who hang with) God in his word has said, “Do not be misled: bad company corrupts good character.” I Cor. 15:33

Play the Video: The Wrong Crowd 2:27

Someone coined the phrase, “Sow a thought, reap an action; sow an action; reap a habit; sow a habit reap a character; sow a character reap a destiny.”
Here is the point. To live unfazed by bad influence we must retreat from it, run from it – ask God and He will provide a way of escape.

Then the text teaches us that we can be unfazed by bad influence and live with confidence in a troubled world when we …
II.    Reflect on God’s Word (Psa. 1:2) But his delight is in the law of the LORD, and on his law, he meditates day and night.

Note not enough to flee or retreat must replace the bad with the good and power word of God. Many people read God’s Word at least once a week, fewer read several times a week, fewer yet 4 or more times.  The psalmist in our text is clearly talking about more that the casual and occasion engagement of the Word. He says to be unfazed (influenced) by bad character:

a.    Delights in God’s Word (Psa. 1:2a) Think about the things you delight in, that is that you take pleasure, enjoyment or derive joy from. Because you delight in them there is no chore in doing them!

But I’m positive the question in many minds is “HOW?” How can I develop a delight for the word of God?”

First always approach the word in prayer asking God to develop new tastes buds in your heart and mind and then second but not least you must…

b.    Contemplate (Psa. 1:2b) on his law he meditates day and night. Can I tell you I love one of the new features in the You Version Bible app we are using to encourage reading through God’s Word? The reason I do is that it brings me to a place of contemplation. It’s the “Talking it Over” at the end of the days reading. “Based on Todays Reading what is the one thing God is saying to you.”

When I think about, contemplate what God is saying to me through His Word, I become delighted in what God is doing in me. As a result, I will be transformed, and it will cause growth.

This growth from being in the Word  is part of the process of being Unfazed by bad influence because it will:
III.    Reproduce Good Roots (Psa. 1:3) 3 He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prosper.

I want you to consider with me that “what lies beneath the surface is what manners the most!” With buildings its foundations, with roads it’s the road bed, with trees it’s the root system.

Play Sermoncentral Video: Rooted 0:55

a.    Great Roots equals fruitfulness. (Psa. 1:3a) This tree’s roots developed as they seek the source of the water. (The Word – he is like – that is the one who delights and mediates on the word.)

When a tree is ‘root bound’ it will not grow. It will become sickly. If it grows fruit it will be puny or even not existent. One of the live oaks in my front yard had this issue. Plant at the same time as the other live oak was half the size and sickly. There was little to no new growth in the canopy. The reason, the cause was below the surface it was a problem with its roots. To be unfazed and live with confidence in this troubled world develop great roots in God’s word. This will not only produce good fruit:

b.    Great Roots equals strength (Psa. 1:3b) Notice the leaf doesn’t wither. Great roots mean drought resistance and storm proof. In other words, unfazed by the circumstances and conditions of the day. The psalmist compares them to those not rooted well when he says, 4 Not so the wicked! They are like chaff that the wind blows away.

Sallow roots vs. tap roots – there are trees that are unfazed by horrific storms even storms of hurricane force winds. Trees that just have surface roots are easy toppled and like chaff are blown away. But tapped rooted trees are resilient!

Finally remain unfazed in this troubled world in we needed to remind ourselves, we need to:
IV.    Remember the Destiny of those without Christ (Psa. 1:4-6) Not so the wicked! They are like chaff that the wind blows away. 5 Therefore the wicked will not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the assembly of the righteous. 6 For the LORD watches over the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked will perish. NIV

a.    They have no Standing (Psa. 1:5) When the wicked (those without Christ) come to judgment they will be condemned. People who enter a Christ-less eternity will have nothing and no one to stand on! Not so if your life is in Christ Jesus. You can be unfazed If you are the righteousness of Christ Jesus, the Lord watches over you and you will not perish.

b.    They are headed for destruction (Psa. 1:6) but the way of the wicked will perish
but the way of the wicked will perish.

So here is the point I’m making. When we consider the cost of the wages of sin we see the price is very high and because it is never ending I am unfazed by the lure of sin. We SHOULD be conflicted HERE !!!

On the one hand, I want to live a life unfazed, however, on the other hand, we must not be unfazed by a literal Hell and people perishing! God isn’t willing that any should perish!

When it comes to believing in hell I think of the story of Dr. Maurice Rawlings a noted and celebrated coronary care doctor, who writes of his conversion to belief in a literal hell in Beyond Death’s Door. In 1977 he was given a stress test to a man who was having chest pains. In the middle of the test, the man dropped dead in Rawlings’ office. Rawlings and several nurses began to work on him. Dr. Rawlings began external heart massage while a nurse began mouth-to-mouth. The patient would regain consciousness and then while Dr. Rawlings reached for equipment would die again. Each time he was resuscitated he would scream, “I am in hell!” Dr. Rawlings thought he meant he was in pain from the CPR but then the patient gave a strange command. “Don’t stop!” This shocked Dr. Rawlings who says when most patients recover they tell him to take his hands off them because he is hurting them. Rawlings describes the man with a genuinely alarmed look on his face. He had a terrified look worse than the expression seen in death! This patient had a grotesque grimace expressing sheer horror! His pupils were dilated, and he was perspiring and trembling--he looked as if his hair was “on end.” Then still another strange thing happened. The patient said, “Don’t you understand? I am in hell. Each time you quit I go back to hell! Don’t let me go back to hell!” (Beyond Death’s Door by Maurice Rawlings, M.D. pg. 18) This incident was so powerful that Dr. Rawlings would become a committed Christian and write a book-chronicling patient who after being resuscitated told stories of demons, pits, and fire. He concludes by saying, “Now I feel assured that there is life after death, and not all of it is good.”

•    This morning I want you to think about that one person you're concerned about the eternal destiny. Remember God does grade on the curve, its pass or fail. This week we have a great opportunity to encourage to invite people because of Easter.

•    I want to close this service praying for you and agreeing with you for that one person.

•    To do so, I’m going to ask you to get out of your seat and come meet me here up front and lift them up to the Lord. Do it now – don’t hesitate – move out like their eternal destiny depended upon it.


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